Sharing his passion for developing Project Leadership

Sharing a passion for leadership and culture and its affect on the world of projects.

· X- Covering topics such as organisational development, leadership

· X- Academic and practical mixture. Speaking engagements

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A new blog on Project Leadership

I have been considering doing a blog for some time, in fact for years but the following quote kept springing to mind - "Worry not that no one knows of you; seek to be worth knowing." Confucius. Well, given the experience I have gained working for major corporates and public sector bodies, what I have learned from the communities I am part of, the ideas I have been exposed to and the wonderful people I have had the pleasure of working with I think it is about time I put index fingers to the keyboard (still unfortunately pecking away). So where to start. Given my recent immersion in Google+, I have decided to create the blog on Blogger. Wrt materials, not an issues given the multiple articles, conferences, papers and books coming up / I am working on. This then is a first post, mainly to check how it all works and how easily it is to share on the many platforms within which I live.

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